As a senior citizen, you may have heard the term “disaster preparedness,” but you might not think about it. When life is going well, it’s easy to believe that things will always stay that way. But when disaster strikes, being prepared can make all the difference in your quality of life. The following tips will help you prepare for disaster preparedness in The Woodlands, TX as a senior citizen:
Confirm Your Insurance Policies Are Still Current And Up-To-Date
This is the first thing you should do before any major disaster, as it will ensure you have all the coverage you need and that your policy is updated with relevant updates. In addition to checking your coverage, check the deductible on each of your policies — remember that a higher deductible means lower premiums. Also, make sure that any exclusions or limits in force will not have an impact on getting the help you need after an emergency.
Have A Safety Kit
A disaster kit is something you can put together at home that will help you survive after a disaster. The kit should include water, food, and first aid supplies. It should also contain a flashlight and batteries—and it’s important to keep the kit in an accessible place so that you can grab it quickly if needed. Make sure the disaster kit is portable enough to carry if necessary. If possible, keep multiple copies of essential documents, such as insurance policies or retirement account information, in your home safe or fireproof box (a regular lock box will not do).
Be Aware Of Evacuation Routes In Your Area
You’re likely familiar with the evacuation route from your workplace or school. But if you live in an area where a natural disaster is possible, it’s also important to be aware of the nearest exit in case of fire or another emergency.
- Know where the nearest fire extinguisher is located and how to use it
- Know what kind of structure your home is built on (single-family house, apartment building, etc.) so that you can decide whether you should evacuate during an earthquake or flood based on the risk level in your area.
- Make sure children know where these exits are so they don’t get lost when everyone else is panicking.
Identify People Who Could Help You During An Emergency
It’s important to consider who can help you during an emergency. In addition to your family and friends, think about neighbors or co-workers who live nearby. You may also want to include people who work in the same building. If there is a fire, they can help you get out of the building faster than you could. If you have pets, it’s important that they are included in your plan too!
Gather Information About Vital Documents And Essential Household Items
You should have a list of all the important documents you’ll need in case of an emergency, including copies of your insurance policies, medical records, birth certificates, Social Security cards (or numbers), passports, and more. These should be kept in a safe place to access them quickly.
Be Sure To Have Transportation Ready
There are a number of services that provide assistance with transportation for older individuals, people with disabilities, and others who may need assistance during an evacuation. You can also check with your county or state government for resources on transportation for vulnerable populations.
We hope this article has helped you realize the importance of being prepared for an emergency. It’s important to remember that even if you are feeling well, your health can change at any time. Being prepared means having the right supplies, equipment, and information to keep yourself and your family safe in times of crisis.